Grand Slam resort Jimo
即墨位于山东胶州湾,东濒黄海南面崂峰, 毗邻青岛, 素有“青岛后院”和“胶东咽喉”之称,为青岛市辖四市之一。百年青岛千年即墨,即墨古城是青岛市的历史渊源之地。项目立足于配合打造传承即墨千年历史文脉,重现即墨古城辉煌风采。 在即墨古城万寿宫遗址上,通过规划、建筑、景观、室内一体化设计,发扬中国山水的哲学逻辑,用一种大写意的手法来实现“生活大写意”,营造出现代中式优雅的生活场景。 酒店以万寿宫中轴线为始,结合传统园林曲径通幽的意境,街巷、庭院、园林,所有公共空间和客房和谐分布,一步一景。动静皆宜的空间,做到“谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。可以调素琴,阅金经,无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形。” 令居之者忘老,寓之者忘归,游之者忘倦。 蕴隆则飒然,而寒凛冽则煦然而燠。 若徒侈土木,尚丹垩,真同桎梏,樊槛而已。 ——《长物志》卷一:室庐 文震亨。
Jimo is located in Shandong Jiaozhou Bay, east of the Yellow Sea South Laofeng, adjacent to Qingdao, known as "Qingdao Backyard" and "Jiaodong throat" , one of the four cities administered by Qingdao. The ancient city of Jimo, the birthplace of Qingdao, has a long history. The aim of the project is to create a historical context that will carry forward the 1,000-year-old history of Mexico and restore the splendour of the ancient city of Jimo. On the site of the Longevity Palace in the ancient city of Jimo, through planning, architecture, landscape, interior design, to carry forward the philosophy of Chinese landscape, with a freehand approach to achieve "freehand life" , to create a modern Chinese elegant living scene. The hotel starts with the axis of the longevity palace, combining with the artistic conception of the traditional garden, streets, courtyards, gardens, all public spaces and guest rooms are harmoniously distributed, one scene at a time. The space is suitable for both movement and quietness, so that "there are Hongru in the conversation and laughter, and there is no white ding in the intercourse. " You can tune the suqin, read the Jinjing, without the disorder of the ear of the silk and bamboo, without the form of the Labor of paperwork. ". Yun Long is Sa ran, and the cold is genial sultry however. If you waste your time on earthwork, you're just like a shackle. Harvard Medical School, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Medical School。