
For the high-end hotel to provide the overall soft design and product supply


Hilton Garden Inn Shangri-La


   香格里拉实力希尔顿花园酒店坐落在香格里拉的核心位置,毗邻著名的坛城广场、独克宗古城和松赞林寺,其与生俱来的不同,在设计之 初便定位不再追求金碧辉煌的奢华表象,而是以藏族人文核心、注重空间的舒适度与气质的营造。因此在酒店建筑风格整体风格融入当地 高挑、敞亮、大气的藏族建筑风格,并采用藏族文化元素艺术品点缀,宾客置身于此,身心和心灵得到充分的放松。

    hangri la strength Hilton Garden Hotel is located in the core position of Shangri La, adjacent to the famous Mandala square, dukezong ancient city and Songzanlin temple. It is different from the original design. It no longer pursues the magnificent luxury appearance, but focuses on the Tibetan cultural core and pays attention to the construction of space comfort and temperament.